Set A: [Prev|Next] Set B: [Prev|Next] [Index] Family Tour: [Prev|Next] Zoie's Worst Birthday Present On February 8th Zoie turned one year old. She got a lot of neat presents and got to try cake and ice cream for the first time. She also got a terrible birthday present from President Bill Clinton. Some might think that having The Telecommunications Act signed on her birthday would be a neat thing. Perhaps this would be the case, if it were not for the Communications Decency Amendment. Zoie has been on the web for almost a year and a half, and she only recently turned one year old. Now her parents are concerned over the future of the internet, and the future of free speech. Zoie has two educated, attentive parents. She does not need the government to babysit her. She certainly doesn't need the government to override her parent's right to make their own determinations about the appropriateness of information she has access to. Not every child out there with access to the internet has parents with the time, energy, interest or knowledge to monitor how they are using this resource. That is what needs to be changed, not the internet. It is called parenting. [Image] [Image] Here are some commercial tools currently being marketed to aid parents in monitoring and limiting access to material available on the internet: * Surfwatch * Cyber Patrol * Net Nanny * CompuServe Parental Controls * The Internet Filter © 1996